Friday, July 22, 2011


My life has become such an adventure since my last post. I have been balancing school, my family, my chores, and everything else that comes with it! I don't seem to know when one day ends and the other begins, but with all that I am learning to trust God in a different way. Having him guide me through all the hoops so I don't have to worry about every step; just the important ones. I am thankful to have such a devoted God, I don't know where I would be if he wasn't with me every step of the way. With my hubby gone quite a bit it seems like life just wants to fall apart, but God always picks up the pieces one-by-one and hands them to me in the order they need to be done. It is funny how the military leaves out some key things when it comes to signing young men up. It is the stuff that you find out after wards that you wish you knew! Oh well I know that this is just a stretching experience(that's what my mom would tell me when I was young) that God uses for his master plan to shape us into the women and men he wants us to be. It isn't the easiest thing in the world to some to terms with. I am sure everybody out there knows exactly what I am talking about :) It is those lonely nights without my hubby that I have to remember these things, and of course I don't want to because that's not what I want to here at the time. But in some way God still comforts me and encourages me that all of this is part of the big picture that I can't see right now, but one day will understand. My mom always said "Trust in God with all your heart and you will reap the benefits." I don't think I have ever met a wiser woman than her. What a role model. I hope one day I can be at least half the woman she had become!


About Me

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I am Army Strong and Army Proud. My life is full of the joys of being a mother to a wonderful Princess and a wife to a fabulous husband :)