Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The First Two Months

Well these first two months of being a mom have been hard, frustrating, unsure, and just flat out a pain, but yet so wonderful, magical, and such a blessing!!! I was told many times by other mom's that I would not enjoy it and among other things. I have to say tho that yes it is difficult, but motherhood you just have to embrace it for all it is. Who says motherhood is glamorous? You get pooped on, spit-up on, peed on, your a comfort and a discipliner. But maybe my perspective is different because of how my mom is and was. She embarrassed every moment of being a mom and choose to enjoy every minute of it. My mom's famous words are "Children don't choose to be born, we bring them into this world." I do think that is a good way to look at it cause it is so true. I remind myself of that on the hard nights. But the hardest of nights can seem so magical once that baby looks at you like you are the world with that little baby grin and those little coos. Those are the things I look forward to being a mom. Those smiles that just make your heart warm and fuzzy, how could you not enjoy being a mom with those smiles. My other favorite part is those days when she just sleeps on my chest curled-up. It is such a bitter-sweet experience you don't want them you grow-up cause they are just so wonderful but yet you can't wait till they are out of curtain stages. I am looking forward to the journey of motherhood and what it will bring to me. It has already been a huge blessing I can't wait to see how much more blessed it leaves me in the years to come.

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I am Army Strong and Army Proud. My life is full of the joys of being a mother to a wonderful Princess and a wife to a fabulous husband :)