Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Little Girl!!!

My little girl is about 3 1/2 months old and just as cute as a button! She is growing and learning like you couldn't believe. She has been such a gift to me. The joy that baby brings is indescribable. Her cute little baby smiles and giggles just warm my heart. Her new favorite thing to do is sit in the highchair "playing" with her toys and "talking" to me while I work in the kitchen. I love cleaning the kitchen while she does her little baby babble. Peek-a-boo is her new favorite game she giggles and giggles and can't seem to get enough of that game. I see why my mom got such great joy in us as kids. There is nothing more rewarding than watching your child try over and over to attempt something and finally succeed. It makes my heart so happy. Annie has been working so hard at grabbing objects and moving them around and today was the first day she successfully did it all the way through. I was so happy to see her reach one of her milestones in her life. It is one that seems so easy for us as adults, but for an infant is such a challenge. It is so amazing how God has wired us to go through all these little steps to get to the big picture they start out as simple as learning to pick something and then going to bigger harder problems like making decisions about your life. This little girl has taught me so much about life in the 3 months she has been here. She has shown me that it is the little things that are important like succeeding at picking up a toy by your self for the first time. Such a little thing, but such a big accomplishment. I find myself getting excited about the simplest things now. Every time Annie does something new and exciting I find my self jumping for joy and giving her lots of hugs and kisses for a job well done. I'm sure right now she thinks I'm nuts but I hope one day she will appreciate her mom being her never ending cheerleader. After all isn't that what a mom is for I know that I had a pretty good cheerleader as a kid. My mom :) she has never stopped cheering for me!!!

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I am Army Strong and Army Proud. My life is full of the joys of being a mother to a wonderful Princess and a wife to a fabulous husband :)